Team - The Jesters (red)
Coed Bronze D1 - Summer/Fall 2023 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  PTS  GA  GF  GD Calendar Sync
Washed Up (black) 65101531365
Baker United (blue) 64201224328
R3 Sriracha (black) 6321102928-1
R4 Rusty Rebels () 6330931354
The Jesters (red) 6240629301
HR FC (grey) 605114528-17
The Jesters (red)'s Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mié-ago 16   The Jesters (red) 5 - 6 R4 Rusty Rebels () Complete Field 2 Regular 
lun-ago 21   Washed Up (black) 8 - 5 The Jesters (red) Complete Field 2 Regular 
lun-sep 18   R4 Rusty Rebels () 4 - 1 The Jesters (red) Complete Field 2 Regular 
lun-oct 16   The Jesters (red) 11 - 4 HR FC (grey) Complete Field 3 Regular 
jue-oct 19   The Jesters (red) 3 - 7 R3 Sriracha (black) Complete Field 2 Regular 
lun-oct 23   Baker United (blue) (Forfeit) 0 - 5 The Jesters (red) Complete Field 1 Regular